Do you know what I really love about wine?
Apart from drinking it, obviously......
It's the passion, dedication and love that goes into it. Meeting winemakers who truly love what they do is invigorating and infectious, watching them come alive as they talk about their land and their wines, well, that is something I could do all day! When you drink a wine from a truly passionate winemaker it enlivens the senses, it's exciting and often a little daring; most importantly it makes you smile!
Alexandre Bain is one such man! Sadly I've yet to meet him, but I've read many interviews with him, and most importantly I've tasted his wine. He farms his land using organic and biodynamic principles. To save you hunting on google, biodynamic means a lot of things but most importantly it means respecting the land and it's natural life cycles. Letting the wildflowers grow between vines, encouraging wildlife, staying away from machinery (Alexandre uses his trusty horse to hand plow his land!) and pesticides, and using the cycles of the moon to help determine harvest; amongst other things.
In the winery Alexandre uses a very non-interventional approach, resulting in a brave and exciting Sauvignon Blanc. Why brave? Well did I mention that the vineyards are in the famous Pouilly Fumé appellation and just a stone throw from the equally renowned Sancerre? It is due however to his bold approach and refusal to conform that the classification board will not recognise it. In my humble opinion, to ignore such a stunning and individual Sauvignon is criminal.
So how does it taste? In a word, delicious!
In the glass you are met with a rich golden hue. On the nose it delights with hazelnut, cashew, light buttery caramel and summer citrus roses. In the mouth there is a slight viscosity, and a touch of honey sweetness which quickly gives way to fresher more vegetal notes, freshly cut grass, and then a tiny bit of pink peppercorn. It possesses an elegant floral note reminiscent of orange groves and then, bump, down to the earth with a delicious minerality, you can taste the limestone from the soils where it is grown. Throughout, the wine is balanced by a tingling acidity, rendering it more dry than the honey notes would have you think.
So yes, I clearly love drinking the wines, but given the choice I'd choose and exciting renegade, made with passion and respect (just like this one) over a mass produced supermarket bottle any day!!
Blog posted by Tori - Follow her on Instagram